CNV Internationaal calls on Colombian Government for protection
Together with the five trade union organizations that are part of the Workers’ Collective for a Just Transition: Sintramienergética, Sintracarbón, Sintradem, Sintradrummond y Sintracerrejón, CNV Internationaal profoundly rejects any act that seeks to threaten, intimidate, limit or impede the work carried out by the trade union organizations, the collective and community leaders in the mining sector.
We especially denounce the recent threats to which Dairo Mosquera, national president of Sintramienergética has been a victim in carrying out his work as a union leader in the department of Cesar (in the north of Colombia).
As CNV Internationaal, we make the urgent call to the National Government of Colombia to take the necessary precautions to protect the life of leader Mosquera and his family.
Likewise, we’d like to urge all national and international stakeholders active in the mining sector to support an honest and transparent dialogue that guarantees the safety of our union leaders, mining workers and all members of their families.
Publication date 15 09 2023